When: January 27th 2019 5pm – 7pm
Where: Union Inn, beside Lock 16, Portdownie, Camelon, Falkirk FK1 4QU
Our AGM will also be open to anyone interested in community-owned moorings, whether or not they intend to become members of CMS. To vote at the AGM, you need to become a member at or before the meeting. AGM papers, proxy forms and an agenda will be circulated in advance of the meeting. If you’re planning to attend, please let us know by signing up for the event on the form below, or by registering on Eventbrite. If you don’t manage to sign up ahead, you’re still very welcome, but it helps us plan if we know you’re coming.
Changes to our constitution: We’re inviting members to consider and vote on proposed changes to our constitution. You can see the proposed changes in this document. What we’re proposing is intended to achieve the following:
- A clearer definition of the community we exist to serve, including boaters, people interested in the canals, and people living around the canals
- Membership open to everyone in that community who supports the charity’s Purposes
- Stricter rules around membership so that the Board can’t exclude anyone for arbitrary reasons
We are not proposing any changes to the Purposes which the charity exists to deliver.
We’re proposing these now because we think Community Moorings Scotland will be stronger and will have more impact if it clearly makes the link between boaters and land communities around CMS mooring sites. We think it’s right to have an open, inclusive organisation, and we believe it will give us a better case when we seek funding to develop the sites. On the other hand, we think it’s important to maintain the same direction and objectives we started out with, and that’s why we’re not proposing to change the Purposes themselves.
But regardless of what the CMS trustees think, this will be decided by the members. So please do join up, come along and vote.