Our Mission
Our mission is to create amazing places for boats and people on the canals of Scotland. We want more boats, moving more often, creating a vibrancy that stretches along the canals and inland to local communities.
We are here to tackle two problems.
1) The canals are too quiet. Active boats are the beating heart of the canals and they are fundamental to realising the full potential of our canals for local communities. By creating amazing places for boats and people to work, rest and have good times, we will stimulate boat movements and help bring our ancient monuments alive.
2) Boaters face an uncertain future on the canals of Scotland. By offering an alternative to Scottish Canals’ moorings we will bring choice and competition into the marketplace creating a more resilient future for boaters. By offering moorings which are ‘by boaters, for boaters’, we can actively design a more satisfying experience for boaters with greater security of tenure.
Our Vision
Our vision is of busy canals in Scotland with many exciting locations for boats and people, linked up as a network of stop-off points along the canals. Over the years more and more community moorings will be established within a few hours cruise of each other, bringing many new enthusiasts to the canals. Our project will become greater than the sum of its parts, not only creating individual locations but stimulating a critical mass of enthusiasm, driving the canals forward to a brighter future.
The boating community will grow as a result and have a happier, more secure future on the canals of Scotland. The boating community will be empowered to take control of its future on the canals and contribute directly to a more successful canal network. More people will make boats their choice of home or hobby and more visitors will be drawn to canals to work, rest and play.
Our Values
Community Moorings Scotland will always conduct itself with integrity and abide by the following guiding principles:
– We will be run by the canal community in a democratic manner
– Our membership will be open to anyone in the canal community, and we will not discriminate against any sector of society
– We will be open, fair and transparent in all our dealings
– We will reinvest all surpluses in our goals to benefit the canal community
– We will remain independent of Scottish Canals
– We will strive for environmental and financial sustainability in everything we do