Getting the right deal with Scottish Canals

So below you’ll find the text from the first outline proposal sent to Scottish Canals which should be negotiated through and hopefully come out with something that works for both parties (but especially for us). Katie Hughes requested a simple document that outlined the vision and the trading proposal, she… Continue reading

A little Inspiration from the ‘Hutting’ movement

There are some real parallels between what we are seeking to achieve with Community Moorings and the ‘hutting’ movement. Check out for more information about this. Scandinavians know hutting very very well, and indeed it has been a part of Scottish culture since the creation of mountain bothies and in particular since… Continue reading

The field near Park Bistro (2 miles E of Linlithgow)

This is the potential site which has the most time and effort put into it thus far in terms of creating a location available for community moorings. Firstly some photos… 175m of canal frontage 4 acres of land Road access Water supply Electric connection 2 miles from Linlithgow Just tootled… Continue reading